Architektur des AVR 90S8515.
Die Flash-Seiten als Zip für den lokalen Download

Architecture ATMEL AVR


Animierte Architecture von

Die Animation ist in FLASH programmiert; dies wird nicht mehr unterstützt. Daher muss Flash in ein anderes Video-Format gewandelt werden:


for f in *.swf


 dump-gnash  -d 100 -1 -r 1 -j 800 -k 600 --screenshot 10 -D out.raw "$f"

 ffmpeg -hide_banner -r 12 -f rawvideo -pixel_format rgb32 -video_size 800x600 -i out.raw $f.mp4




(excerpt datasheet ATMEL AVR 90s8515)


  •  Register File 32 x 8bit

    •  X, Y, Z 16bit pointer to SRAM

    •  Z 16bit pointer to FLASH

  • Memory address mode for REGISTERS, IO, SRAM (LDS r1, 0x13 ; load from SRAM)
    Registers are addressed like ordinary general purpose SRAM

  • IO MEMORY: 64 addresses for CPU peripheral functions (control registers, timers ...)
    addressed by Register Name or SRAM Address

  • in system programmable 4k x 16bit  FLASH (16bit/32bit instructions!)
    1000 write/erase cycles

  • 512 byte general purpose SRAM

  • STACK (16bit)

    • located in general purpose SRAM

    • stack size limited by usage of SRAM

    • user must initialize the 16bit stackpointer SP (SPH/SPL)

    • starts at top of SRAM and is decremented

  • Harvard Architecture (separate memories and busses for DATA and PROGRAM)

  • 2 stage pipeline (instruction is executed while the next instruction is fetched from program memory); one instruction per clock cycle


Addressing modes

  1. direct single register (inc r16)

  2. direct two registers (add r16,r17)

  3. direct io (out PORTB, r17)

  4. direct data (lds r16, $006a)

  5. indirect (ld r4, X)  

  6. indirect with postincrement  (ld r4, X+)  

  7. indirect with preincrement  (ld r4, -X)  

  8. indirect with displacement  (ldd r4, Y+2)
    for Y or Z only

  9. constant program (lpm)
    for Z only

  10. indirect program (ijmp label)
    for Z only (PC = Z)

  11. relative program (rjmp label)
    PC = PC+k+1